《you must love me》(来自韦伯歌剧艾薇塔),不晓得哪里来的勇气,我想对她说这句话。原剧中是艾薇塔将死之前,对培隆唱的曲子,充满着无限的哀伤,与款款的爱意。
『where do we go from here?』我轻轻的唱着。
『this is n't where we intended to be.』
『we had it all, you believed in me, i believed in you.』
『certainties disappear.』
『what do we do for our dream to survive, how do we keep all our passions aliveas we used to do?』
『deep in my heart i'm concealing things that i'm longing to say,』
『scared to confess what i'm feeling fright ened you'll slip away,』
『you must love me……』
『you must love me……』
「you must love me……」(你一定要爱我。)她竟然与我一起唱出了最后一句。